Exchange current density

美 [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ˈkɜːrənt ˈdensəti]英 [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ˈkʌrənt ˈdensəti]
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Exchange current densityExchange current density
  1. The exchange current density of palladium on GC electrode was very low .


  2. The test and analysis of the exchange current density of the carbon nanotube and perovskite compound oxygen electrodes


  3. A Study on Exchange Current Density of ZrO_2 Solid Electrode at High Temperature


  4. The results of Tafel curves showed the additive decrease the exchange current density values and electrode reaction rate constant .


  5. In all above-mentioned solutions , the reduction rate of H2O is low and could not influence cathodic exchange current density .


  6. The kinetic parameters , e.g. the exchange current density and velocity constants of the anodic reaction , were evaluated .


  7. Apparent activation energy , apparent transfer coefficient , exchange current density , and the reaction order were obtained by LSV technique .


  8. The relationship of logarithm of exchange current density and rest capacity of electrodes is linear when the rest capacity is relatively low .


  9. By the contrast of the two kinds of catalysts ' electrode kinetic parameters , we find that the exchange current density of cathode doubled .


  10. The exchange current density of the oxygen electrode is so low that the over-potential mostly happens on the cathode in the fuel cell .


  11. Tafel curve shows the exchange current density before and after modification were respectively 0.05 A / m2 and 0.17 A / m2 .


  12. However , the utilization of catalyst surface is not only affected by the IR drop within the electrode but also by the eXChange current density of the targeted reaction .


  13. The performance of PEMFCs would be promoted with increasing exchange current density of oxygen reduction reaction , decreasing resistance of electrode and optimizing geometric parameter of flow field .


  14. In addition , according to transitional state theory , mechanical activation promotes the rate constant of chemical reaction , which is equivalent to exchange current density in the field of corrosion electrochemistry .


  15. The empirical reaction order was estimated from the dependence of electrode polarization resistance , exchange current density , and limiting current density on the hydrogen partial pressure ( PH2 ) .


  16. The Ni-S-Co alloy is catalytically more active in comparison with Ni and Ni-S electrode with its lower potential for hydrogen evolution , higher exchange current density and lower activation energy .


  17. Testing at 80 ℃ in 25 % sodium hydroxide solution , its apparent exchange current density and surface roughness were higher , and reaction resistance lower than that of nickel and nickel-phosphorus electrode .


  18. The exchange current density was calculated as 5.26 × 10-5 A / cm2 . The results indicated that the mechanism of V ( IV ) oxidation is the reaction with one-electron transfer and two-proton transfer .


  19. Effects of active carbon powders on kinetic parameters of oxygen reduction reaction , such as exchange current density ( i_o ), Tafel slope ( b ), reaction resistance ( R ), are given by the computer curve fitting to polarization data .


  20. Exchange current density of the electrochemical reaction at different charge state was measured by linear polarization method with the overpotential less than 5 mV . Exchange current density reaches the maximum after a part of capacity is released from the full charged electrodes .


  21. According to energy band model of semiconductor and mixed potential model of corrosion electrochemistry , the corrosion current of pyrite increases with the increase of pyrite Fermi energy ( E F ) and exchange current density , that is , the rate of dissolution increases .


  22. Based on the curves , the exchange electrical current density of the platinum carbon compound electrode , Tafel constant and symmetry coefficient are obtained .


  23. The results show that the exchange electrical current density , the TAFEL constant and the symmetry coefficient of platinum carbon compound electrodes were different for the platinum carbon compound electrodes made by different method .
